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MULTICLEAN - Spotlessly clean PROSTHESIS MULTICLEAN a powdered concentrate for solution for cleaning all kinds of dentures: acrylic, metal and thermoplastic. The cleaning process is convenient and easy to use. NOW IN NEW convenient package MULTICLEAN three functions in one product:

CLEAN Effectively cleans dentures, rails, Braces from raids, sediment and discoloration.

Cultivate It neutralizes odors and prevents the destruction of plastic and deformations resulting from differences in temperature and acidity in the mouth.

KONSERWUJE It keeps the original appearance of the prosthesis, prevents changes in color and translucency plastic.

MULTICLEAN has been designed taking into account relevant parameters specifically for cleaning thermoplastics. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS MULTICLEAN The product is recommended for home use. In order to obtain good efficiency of the results recommended to use in washing or ultrasonic vibration. Vibration enhance the cleaning action of the solution. Dissolve (depending on the size of soiling) 0,5 or 1 sachet of powder in a glass of warm water. The solution is to leave on 3 minutes. Allow the action of a solution of the 20 minutes a day for cleaning. Remove loose parts with a soft brush. Rinse thoroughly under running water. Very dirty dentures may require all-night operation solution. The solution is valid 7-10 days. After this date should be replaced solution.

IMPORTANT: Containing soft denture liners should not remain under the influence of a solution any longer, than 20 minutes during one cleaning.

PRECAUTIONS: Do not leave your dentures in the solution during the operation of the washer vibration for longer than 15 min careful not to stain your clothing solution - danger of discoloration Keep out of the reach of children WASHER VIBRATION Vibration washer is designed for cleaning dentures individual using specially selected amplitude of the ultrasonic waves. The device does not require connection to the grid, battery powered.

REGULAR USE Preserves MULTICLEAN prostheses and PREVENTS being bad mouthfeel. MULTICLEAN is available in pharmacies, laboratories and dental offices

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