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Etapy wykonania protez zębowych

Proper steps of making dentures, at which the patient must be present.

PHASE I-impressions anatomic
This is a very important step, without which it is not able to keep working. It involves taking a standard bucket An alginate impression – ie. Negative prosthetic field, which will be cast in plaster models.

ETAP II- Functional impressions
This stage involves taking a spoon individual impressions very accurate silicone mass

ETAP III – establish short
Short circuit( that is, the position of the mandible relative to the maxilla) determined by using templates and then binds with the models in zwieraku or articulator.

PHASE IV - fitting dentures
At this stage, any changes or amendments are possible without major problems – the change of color and position of teeth including, imitating the mucous membranes as part of a waxy.

ETAP V – ready-made prosthesis
Prostheses ready to give the patient. Possibly still need to fit the patient's mouth and 1-2 Visits to correct.

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